- COBUILD Corpus
- The Wikipedia Corpus
- Corpus of Contemporary American English
- Corpus of American Soap Opera
- British National Corpus
- The Wikipedia Corpus
- NOW Corpus (News on the Web)
- Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English
- The Open American National Corpus
- LUCY corpus, SUSANNE corpus, CHRISTINE corpus
- British Academic Spoken English (BASE)
- Project Gutenberg
- Hansard Corpus
- Corpus of Historical American English
- Time Magazine Corpus
- Corpus of Supreme Court Opinions (the 1790s to the current time)
- Early English Books Online (the 1470s to the 1690s)
- Penn Corpora of Historical English
- Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English Second edition
- Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Early Modern English
- Penn Parsed Corpus of Modern British English
- The University of Oxford Text Archive
- The Complete Works of Williams Shakespeare
- Lexicons of Early Modern English (LEME)
- The Proceedings of the OLD BAILE
- collection of Middle English texts
- hellog〜英語史ブログ
- ICAME: International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English
- Penn Corpora of Historical English
- Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Middle English Second edition
- Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Early Modern English
- Penn Parsed Corpus of Modern British English
- LDC: Linguistic Data Consortium
- Oxford Dictionary of English
- The Universals Archive
- The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS)
- Ethnologue: Languages of the World
- 使役交替言語地図(The World Atlas of Transitivity Pairs (WATP)
- The World Atlas of Noun-Modifying Constructions (MANMC)
- UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
- 世界ことば村・世界言語博物館
- 沖縄言語研究センター
- 公益財団法人アイヌ民族文化財団
- アイヌ語ポータルサイト
- Supplementary Material for the paper "The probability of language relatedness: Deep Signals from Eurasian Syntax"
- MorBoComp