言語変化・変異研究ユニット Language Change and Language Variation Research Unit


  • Bloom, Lois (1970) Language Development: Form and Function in Emerging Grammars, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • Brown, Roger (1973) A First Language: The Early Stages, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • Clark, Eve V. (1982) “Learning to Coin Agent and Instrument Nouns,” Cognition 12, 1-24.
  • Crain, Stephan (1991) "Language Acquisition in the Absence of Experience," Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14, 597-612.
  • Crain, Stephan and Mineharu Nakayama (1987) "Structure Dependence in Grammar Formation," Language 63, 522-543.
  • Deprez, Viviane and Amy Pierce (1993) "Negation and Functional Projections in Early Grammar," Linguistic Inquiry 24, 25-67.
  • 藤井聖子 (2001)「構文理論と言語習得」、『英語青年』第147巻/第9号、pp.536-540.
  • 長谷川 寿一, C・ラマール, 伊藤たかね (2008; 共編)『こころと言葉--進化と認知科学のアプローチ』東京大学出版会.
  • Hyams, Nina (1986) Language Acquisition and the Theory of Parameters, D. Reidel, Dordrecht.
  • Murasugi, Keiko (1991) Noun Phrases in Japanese and English: A Study in Syntax, Learnability and Acquisition, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Connecticut.
  • 村杉恵子 (2014)『ことばとこころー入門 心理言語学』, みみずく舎/医学評論社.
  • McDaniel, Dana, Cecil McKee, and Helen smith Cairns (1998) Methods for Assessing Children's Syntax, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • MacWhinney, Brian (2000) The CHILDES Project: Tools for Analyzing Talk, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ.
  • Otsu, Yukio (1981) Universal Grammar and Syntactic Development in Children: Toward a Theory of Syntactic Development, Doctoral dissertation, MIT.
  • ピンカー・スティーブン(椋田直子訳)(1995)『言語を生み出す本能(上・下)』(NHKブックス), 日本放送出版協会, 東京.
  • Rizzi, Luigi (2004) "Some Notes on Linguistic Theory and Language Development: The Case of Root Infinitive," Language Acquisition 3, 371-393.
  • Snyder, Williams (2001) "On the nature of syntactic variation: evidence from complex predicates and complex word-formation," Language 77, 324-342.
  • Stromswold, Karin (1996) “Analyzing Children’s Spontaneous Speech,” Methods for Assessing Children’s Syntax, ed. By Dana McDaniel, Cecile McKee, and Helen Smith Cairns, 23-53, The MIT Press.
  • 杉崎鉱司 (2014)「幼児言語における動詞句内主語仮説の再考」『言語の設計・発達・進化:生物言語学探究』, 藤田耕司・福井直樹・遊佐典明・池内正幸 (2014;
  • 杉崎鉱司 (2015)『はじめての言語獲得』岩波書店、東京.
  • 村杉恵子・斎藤衛・宮本陽一・瀧田健介 (2016編)『日本語文法ハンドブック』開拓社、東京.
  • Sugisaki, Koji and William Snyder (2002) "The Acquisition of Preposition Stranding and the Compounding Parameter," English Linguistics 19, 291-307.
  • Tokizaki, Hisao (2014) "Deriving the Compounding Parameter from Phonology," Linguistic Analysis 38, 275-303.